Friday 4 October 2013

James Molloy Backstage Workshop

What happened on 03 Oct?

October going to be one of the busiest month for makeup artists, hairstylists, fashion stylists, fashion designers & the press. Why? It's Fashion Week! It says week, but it's like for the entire month. Haha....

So we had James Molloy, M•A•C Director of Artistry, APAC to facilitate a 1-day backstage workshop to help equip us more into the busy backstage scenarios.

Summarize photo-video>

James covered on:
✔ Set Bag
✔ Backstage Etiquette
✔ Body Makeup
✔ Couture Makeup
✔ Male Makeup

It definitely did a good drill into our backstage skills. It's like learning from mistakes, through a chaos.

Scenario no. 1: James made us do body makeup on our models for only FIVE MINUTES with NO ROOM LIGHTS! I have to say it was craaaazzzzyyyy, especially on those who've to cover tattoos & marks!

- have a torchlight!
- work as a team.
- take in consideration the texture of model's skin.
- may have to use 1-2 shades darker for the legs compare to the face.

Here's a video sharing of his body makeup MasterClass >

Scenario no. 2: With 30 minutes, James got us to do a couture makeup that had luminous skin, minimal makeup with maximum effect, clever highlighting, correcting tricks & a boy brows. In which, we only work with tones of browns.

The hardest time we had on was making the girl's brows look boyish, with texture.

Scenario no. 3: Also with ONLY 30 minutes, our 2nd couture makeup was to create a 90's doll look. Using chromacake, boot black then lip pencil & lipgloss. It looks simply done but oooooh that skateboard-like-shaped eyeliner was the hardest! 

Last masterclass, James did a demo on male makeup. Thanks lots, now we're able to break our habits & try new tips & techniques.

The general feeling for male makeup is "Less is More".

That's the end of the workshop with James Molloy. It's been a great experience. I hope to upload more masterclass videos... Til the next blog entry.
Xoxo, Sara Jaz. 

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