Last Saturday's makeover on Kak Maya who doesn't wear much makeup daily. Requested for something that suits è theme but not over è top.
Event: D&D
Theme: 1920s
Theme: 1920s
Eyes: Blacktrack, Carbon, Fascinating
Cheeks: Studio Sculpt Powder, Mocha
Lips: Bespoken For, Diva, Sin
Cheeks: Studio Sculpt Powder, Mocha
Lips: Bespoken For, Diva, Sin
Product name: M•A•C Carbon eyeshadow
Texture: Matte
Texture: Matte
Retail Price: SGD30
My personal rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
Product name: M•A•C Bespoken For lip pencil
Texture: Pro Longwear
Texture: Pro Longwear
Retail Price: SGD35
My personal rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
Product name: M•A•C Diva mix with Sin lipstick
Texture: Matte
Texture: Matte
Retail Price: SGD30
My personal rating: ♥ ♥ ♥